Upcoming Events
Inclement weather may require us to delay, dismiss early, or cancel school. We will be closed if either Menomonee Falls or Germantown School Districts are closed or if the administration decides it is needed.
School closings will be posted on the home page of our website. Closings are also announced on Today’s TMJ4 (Channel 4).
Athletic Forms
Links & Resources
- Calvary Baptist Church
- GARBC (General Association of Regular Baptist Churches)
- WARBC (Wisconsin Association of Regular Baptist Churches)
- WACS (Wisconsin Association of Christian Schools)
- AACS (American Association of Christian Schools)
- Menomonee Falls Chamber of Commerce
- A Beka Book
- BJU Press
- Snow Days
School Closings
Inclement weather may require us to delay, dismiss early, or cancel school. We will be closed if either Menomonee Falls or Germantown School Districts are closed or if the administration decides it is needed.
School closings will be posted on the home page of our website. Closings are also announced on Today’s TMJ4 (Channel 4).
- Athletic Forms
- Links & Resources
Links & Resources
- Calvary Baptist Church
- GARBC (General Association of Regular Baptist Churches)
- WARBC (Wisconsin Association of Regular Baptist Churches)
- WACS (Wisconsin Association of Christian Schools)
- AACS (American Association of Christian Schools)
- Menomonee Falls Chamber of Commerce
- A Beka Book
- BJU Press